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About Sedralmadena.

Leading Through Innovation and Reliability

Sedr al Madena specializes in providing high-quality glass repairs and installations for both domestic and commercial properties, including expert glass works in Sharjah. With years of expertise in the glass and glazing industry, we are confident in our ability to meet the needs of our customers, no matter how simple or complex their requirements may be.

Our experienced team is capable of repairing windows and doors from all manufacturers and designs, ensuring each project, including glass works in Sharjah, is handled with professionalism. We employ highly qualified and bonded service technicians, along with an Estimating Department, to offer cost-effective solutions and expert guidance.

At Sedr al Madena, we are committed to delivering superior technical support and installations, consistently upholding our promise of reliability, innovation, and excellence in every service we provide. With a focus on innovation and quality, we continue to lead in the glazing industry, offering a wide range of services that include everything from standard glass repairs to custom glazing solutions, including specialized glass works in Sharjah for more unique and demanding projects.

We Provide The Best Works.

We Provide All Welding & Metal Services

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Pricing Plans.

Affordable Pricing Plans

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Disc -10%


Disc -10%


If You Need Help or Have Some Question, Consultation with Us

(+62) 81 487 1843

Why Choose Us.

Working Properly On Your Project

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Our Team.

Meet Our Team

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